Wunderkind by Sonny Vandevelde

Just seen these Wunderkind images by Sonny Vandevelde on 'Shaded View on Fashion' and I just love their casual nonchalance. I actually assumed they were the official publicity shots but turns out Sonny just snapped them informally at the launch of Wunderkind's menswear line a few weeks ago. Don't know what Wolfgang Joop has in mind for this campaign, but personally, I don't think he could do better than these. That they're not "trying too hard" is what appealed to me.

Brideshead anyone?

A touch of 'Quenten Crisp' don't you think? Like some of us, Quenten wasn't really into dusting and famously revealed "There was no need to do any housework at all. After four years the dirt doesn’t get any worse." Bravo!

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